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Use Social Media as a Strategic Compass for your Business!

Social Media Optimization is a term that has been trending for quite a few years now. In fact, the online market is slowly moving towards social media platforms to search for various types of goods or to avail of different types of services. As a business owner, you must ensure that you’re making the most of every opportunity. Through our Social Media Marketing Services, you can improve brand awareness, reach your target audiences, grow your business, and establish a relationship of trust with your consumers.

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In today’s digital age, having a social media presence of your brand is necessary. Not only do your customers expect it, but its a great way to learn more about your target audience and engage with them. However before figuring out what aspect of social media can be useful for your business, let’s understand in brief about Social Media Optimization.

Social Media Optimization refers to using different social media platforms to market your brand, since the online world has moved to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter these days! You can grow the awareness and credibility of your company through Social Media Optimization Services.

For many years now, Search Engine Optimization has been ruling the digital marketing world. Social media platforms have recently come to the forefront, proving to be an effective way of strengthening the online presence of the brand. In fact, SEO and SMO are a match made in heaven and their combination can work wonders for your business. While SEO will increase the quality and quantity of traffic on your brand’s website, SMO will increase your company’s visibility in the online space and help you connect to your consumers.

An effective social media strategy will direct visitors to your company’s website, where more information can be provided. In fact, social media platforms are also used for testimonials. You must be well aware of the fact that users spend most of their online time on social media platforms. If your brand is able to attract great reviews from customers on different social media platforms, then half of your SMO work is already done!

Social Media Platforms that can up your marketing game!

Though you can find customers from different industries on social media platforms, number of platforms available have made the choice difficult for you. It can be confusing for you to choose the platform that is the right fit for your business. However, as a Social Media Optimization Company, let us help you, instead! 


With more than 2.27 billion active monthly users, Facebook should be your first choice. This is a platform that you cannot afford to miss. Even though there are so many other platforms where users spend their time, it has been proven through various statistics that those users have a tendency to return to Facebook, always! Facebook Ad Manager is just like a cherry on the cake as you can create advertisements. Through such ads, you can target users based on factors such as location, relationship status, job title, interests, gender, age, device usage and most importantly, purchase behaviour. 

Apart from Facebook ads, you must have a Facebook business page that you need to update regularly. It adds a credibility factor to your brand. Additionally, you can also use Facebook pixel to target customers who have already visited your website as they are your potential customers.


The Instagram platform is owned by Facebook and it also attracts more than a billion active users on a monthly basis. Since Instagram is more of a visual platform, it allows you to showcase the personality of your brand. Through Instagram marketing, you will get access to several tools that you can use to give a creative experience to your audience. Instagram hashtags also helps you reach a wider audience. In Instagram, you can also access advertising options for business through Facebook!


Let’s be real: Twitter is a fast paced platform and a tough nut to crack! However, if Twitter marketing works for you and your brand is able to establish a strong presence over the platform, you’ll be able to converse directly with your followers. The catch with Twitter is that you don’t need to sell your products/services on Twitter, all you really need to do is share useful, informative and authentic content and build a community, you will create your company’s reputation as an authority in its niche.


LinkedIn is a social network site for professionals. The platform can be used to update your consumers on your business, and connect with your industry partners. It is the best choice for B2B social media marketing. In fact,46% of the social media traffic that is generated on a company website for B2B firms comes through LinkedIn. Another best thing about LinkedIn marketing is that it is highly secure and all the leads are authentic.


WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most used messaging app all over the world. It is a great platform for small scale businesses. Gone are the days when people used WhatsApp only to send text messages to their near and dear ones, today, people have started using the platform to market their business. The business feature of WhatsApp allows companies to provide customer support to customers about their purchases and also share updates with them.


YouTube marketing is great to highlight your company’s culture and talk about stories that no one else is talking about. If you really wish to make a difference in the social media world, then YouTube is the platform for you. Apart from the views that you will get directly on your platform, you can also use it to host videos to be embedded on your website.


Reddit is a great platform to establish a connection between your brand and its audience. Since it’s a platform where users share their ideas and interests, it can be used as a research tool to know what your audience is talking about so that you can create content based on those insights. Other than research, businesses can also run advertisements to target their audience.

How Social Media Optimization can change the game of your business?

Currently, more than half of total active online users are spending time on different social media platforms. If you are not taking the advantage of social within your digital marketing strategy, well, you are missing out on a fast, and effective way to reach more than half the world’s population! 

Let’s look at how social media platforms can help you engage with your target audience and strengthen your brand’s online reputation! 

Affordability factor

Well, every Social Media Marketing Agency would agree that brand awareness is one of the most important benefits of social media. With so many people using social media platforms, it makes these platforms an obvious place to target different types of potential customers. As per statistics, people only connect with brands that they already know exists on social media. There’s so much potential value that one can unlock through social media, aside from paid advertisements and partnerships!

Reputation Management

Promoting and sharing content is one way that your brand can attract people on social media. However, another thing that is probably only possible on social platforms is building a true connection with your customers. Lines of communication are very much sorted here; customers just want to be treated fairly and social media gives us a simple way to achieve that. If your brand is able to establish a strong reputation on even a single social platform, it will stand out above the rest, always!


One of the most important qualities of social platforms is that you can humanize your brand. It gives your brand a chance to be not only likeable, but relatable as well. If customers are able to relate with your brand story and your business is able to make a difference in their lives, they're your fans for life!


Social platforms were created with the vision to connect people together and build communities. This is a great perk of Social Media Marketing because it lets you create ambassadors for your brand. In fact, if you are able to build a community for your brand, people will do the marketing for your business. When you build a strong community, people are going to recommend your brand to other people which in turn would bring in new leads!


When you are trying to figure out which digital marketing methods fit into your tight budget, it can really be a daunting task. You want your brand to get exposure, but you don’t have the budget for every method. Well, here’s where Social Media Marketing comes into play. If you want to boost your social media game organically, you can hire a Social Media Optimization Agency like ours, we do the job for you! Use social media platforms to reach new leads, build brand awareness and grow your business in a cost-efficient manner!

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Why Choose Us?

As a Social Media Optimization Company, we focus on building relationships with our clients and offering them SMO packages that will help them reach their business goals. We help brands grow their social media presence by deploying result-driven strategies. It’s now more important than ever to make sure that your brand name is out on social media. However, you don’t need to make any efforts as our vibrant social media team is equipped and ready to create a unique social media strategy that works for your business! 

At Delphin Technologies, the creative team not only focuses on taking photos, creating compelling content or designing eye-catching posts. We roll up our sleeves and get to work building your brand from ground level. Through a comprehensive process of oversight, development and research, we are dedicated to providing your business with the thoughtfulness it deserves! 

Exploring your company’s vision

Before we sit down and build the perfect social media strategy for your business, we study your brand. The first step to creating a professional action plan for your brand that meets your specific needs is to perform a comprehensive brand audit. Our goal is to create a plan that is unique and reflects your business.

Retargeting campaigns

It’s important to stop potential customers from slipping away with smarter retargeting. We focus on retargeting leads on social media platforms that haven’t converted yet with personalised campaigns that surface the right message at the right time! Just because a prospect doesn’t convert first time, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need what your brand is offering. All you need to do is create data-fueled retargeting campaigns and bring those prospects into the funnel!

Campaign optimization

It’s a well known fact that a poorly optimized social media campaign will do more harm than good; infact, it can also degrade your brand’s reputation in the online market. However, you don’t need to worry when you do business with us. We would create and optimized a cost-effective result-driven campaign and even lift the conversion rates with tried and tested high-tempo testing.

Stay ahead of your competition

Our social media action plan for your business starts with analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors’ social media strategies. With a clever mix of inspiration and spark, we find out exactly where your brand can stand out and how we can always help your business stay ahead than others on social platforms.

Your success is our success

As a company, we always want the best for our clients. We never focus on boasting about us, instead, all that matters to us is your success. Your company can do wonders on various social media platforms, and we just can’t wait to show you what you’re capable of!

24*7 Tracking

We don’t believe in designing a strategy and handing them over to the client; instead, we focus on providing round-the-clock support to our clients with monthly and quarterly plans. Social media is a dynamic world and we want to keep your brand on the cutting edge. We provide real-time communication through a dedicated project manager for every client!

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